We're Back!
Hello, we're back! In case you're wondering why the wiki got down for a day, it's because a Wikia staff member accidentally removed us when we contacted them about a minor issue about something.
Since the short shut down, our wiki development got a day delayed and we will simply be speeding up.
We are affiliated by another wiki!
Hello, fellow Monster Super League community gamers!
While I'm planning to revamp from another wiki after I revamped the home page on this wiki, it makes a great success.
From what I saw a fellow Brazilian Wikian user GensokyoAngel (real name Igor) had to do an affiliation with another Wikia, the FanonLand Wiki, is now accepted the offer!
If you don't know FanonLand Wiki is, I'll explain it to you all: FanonLand Wiki is just yet another "create-anything" fanon wiki -- the characters are from the anime, video games, etc. They even creating a fanfictional literary works by certain users.
While this wiki is now gaining a bit popularity for the encyclopedia of that mobile game, it's still a long way if we create pages more about those Astromons.
Keep i…
Upcoming Patch Notice
There will be a patch to reduce energy recharge time and enhancing in-game options.
[Patch details]
1. Energy Recharge time will be reduced from 10 to 5 Minutes.
2. Adding Instant Sell option to sell Gems at the battle result screen. (Unavailable in Auto Battle Mode)*
3. Adding Gem Inventory expansion option*
* 2, 3 is still under development at the moment and we will let you know as soon as the patch goes alive.
Source: Official Monster Super League Facebook Page
Launch Special Purchase Event Reminder
A quick reminder that the Launch Special Purchase Event is ending real soon. Take advantage of this special offer!
Discord Server Launched!
The Monster Super League Wiki's Discord server is now online! Server is mainly dedicated for live deep communcation between wiki contributors (since Wikia's Live Chat system is kinda terrible). For more details, check out the Discord Server page.
Meet the site designer
Hi everyone,
Allow me to introduce myself that I am the site designing team from the FanonLand Wiki, Megy Teckhonia. I just started to play that mobile game on my Android phone, and I impressed. Now to the main subject.
- 1 Wiki's typeface
- 2 News
- 3 Wiki Rules and Guidelines
- 4 JavaScript
You all seen that I've using the CSS from the Community Plaza, Conception Foundation and FanonLand Wikis, making all of the main fonts are in Segoe UI (or Ubuntu), which is more clariable and readable font.
When speaking of the Blogs feature, I've divided them into 2 Blog Post pages:
- Latecian News - a series of blog posts about recent updates and announcements from the Monster Super League app.
- Wiki News - series of blog posts that tackles about the site updates on this wi…
Gold Management Guide
We are all wondering it at some point: "How do I get more gold?" but it is not all about getting more gold, but also trying to use less, here are a few tips to get and save gold.
Gotta Catch 'Em All!
Probably the most important thing to do in the game, cathing is truly essential, but not free! Each Astrochip costs 500. Check the Capture achievement tab for the rewards you could get from catching. Do not catch what is not in this list early on in the game, focus on the achievements and do not increase the catch rate, just be patient. Note that Variant, Rare, S.Rare and Legendary capture achievements are repeatable making it a good way to farm astrogems.
Your inventory is full!
You should consider spending some gold to expand the Astromon invent…
Megami/Kami's Summon Log
This page will be a log of summons that I find significant, as well as every 600 Astrogem summon I do.
This was actually my third 600 gem summon, the first two, I didn't take screenshots of.
As you can see, the results were good. A couple were used as awakening fodder, (Finally evolved my Seastar, yay!) and the varient Miho is pretty promising as well. And no, I'm not going to overlook my amazing luck here! A water Persephone, in all of her 5 star, life draining, tanky goodness!!! Yeeeeah, you could say she outclasses My other water types, and to that I say... Yeah you're right! But where's the fun in spamming natural 5 stars?! I feel bad for those blokes that have spent $800+ and have had no luck like this. Ah well.
While I have no photo doc…