Monster Super League Wikia

This page refers to the original Capture Festival for 3-4★ Exotic Astromon. For the Festival featuring 5★ Astromons, see 5★ Capture Festival.

During the Capture Festival, players can capture Exotic Astromon in Adventure stages across Latecia. Each Capture Festival will feature a particular Astromon, with all elemental varieties being available (though not all capturable). Soulstones for at least one of these varieties are often available from the Shady Shop during the event.

The Festival is held in three steps: Festival Preparations, Capture Festival, and Finale.

Festival Preparations[]

The first two days of the event.
Players can receive Lucky Tickets in three ways:

  • Share the festival on Facebook
    -  Click on [Share on Facebook]
    -  Login on Facebook to share the post and get one Lucky Ticket
    -  An additional Lucky Ticket will be given when the overall goal is met
  • Make a wish:
    - Tap the text area in the bottom-right
    - Input a wish and [submit] your wish
    - An additional Lucky Ticket will be given when the overall goal is met
  • Touch Nezz’s Balloon
    - Touch the balloon to get a Lucky Ticket
    - Nezz's Balloon will appear multiple times throughout the event

Capture Festival[]

During the Capture Festival, the featured Astromon will appear for capture in Adventure areas. Exotic Astromon can only be captured with Special Astrochips Special astrochip, which can be obtained from Nezz balloons during the Festival, and from the Shady Shop.

Depending on the Festival, some elements of an Astromon may be more rare than others, and may only appear on certain difficulties. Exotic Astromon appear at a lower rate than rare Astromon, but a higher rate than super rare. Rare Exotic Astromon appear at a lower rate than super rare Astromon, but a higher rate than legendary. All Exotic Astromons grant 50 points for the Capture League when captured.

If the Light or Dark element of the featured Astromon is not available for capture, it will instead be available via Fusion. Two Evolution level 2 Exotic Astromon can be fused to create one Light or Dark Exotic. In some cases, the Fusion materials may need to be of specific elements. Each Astromon can only be obtained via Fusion once per event period.

Upon reaching 4, 8, and 12 Exotics captured, players will earn one Lucky Ticket. An additional Lucky Ticket will be awarded to all players each time the global capture goal is reached.


The last two days of the event.
During the Finale, players spend their accumulated Lucky Tickets to win various prizes. Prizes distributed are random, and include (but are not necessarily limited to):

Normal Items Jackpots
10,000 Gold 1,000,000 Gold
30,000 Gold
77,777 Gold Light Dark Egg High Gleem Fire
Gem Chest Gleem Water Gleem Wood

Bonus Capture Festival[]

Sometimes, a special Capture Festival will be held where players can choose the featured Astromons from a list. Up to three Fire/Water/Wood Astromons can be selected at a time, and three will be pre-selected when the event begins. The selected Astromons can be changed once for free, and up to two additional times during the event period by paying Astrogem x100 per change. When changing selected Astromons, it will count as one change if all three regions are changed simultaneously, or even if only one is.

The Astromon in the first slot will appear in Phantom Forest, Lunar Valley, Aria Lake, and Mirage Ruins. The Astromon in the second slot will appear in Pagos Coast, Seabed Caves, Magma Crags, and Star Sanctuary. The Astromon in the third slot will appear in Sky Falls, Slumbering City, Glacial Plains, Aurora Plateau, Deserted Battlefield, Terrestrial Rift, and Aotea Island.

Light and Dark Exotic Astromon of the currently selected types can be obtained by fusing two Evolution level 2 Exotic Astromon among those currently selected (they do not have to be the same type as the fusion target). Up to three such fusions can be performed during a single event period.
