Monster Super League Wikia

During the Clan Festival, clan members can summon Astromons and gift their fellow clan-mates with rewards for summoning, benefitting themselves and their clan. Depending on the amount you summoned, you can acquire special rewards throughout the festival. The Fire/Water/Wood forms of Midsummer Miho, Beach Muse Seiren, and Scheherazade of the Snowlands can be obtained at the Clan Festival. Occasionally, a special version of the Clan Festival called Super Clan Festival will be held.

Players can obtain various rewards during the Festival:

Summoning rewards[]

Summons Rewards
20, 80, 140... Quality Gift Box
40, 100, 160... Quality Gift Box
60, 120, 180... <Legendary> Golden Egg

There is no limit for summoning: these rewards will be repeated in a cycle of 60 Summons.

  • Common Gift Box (given to the entire clan every time a clan member receives a Quality Gift Box)
  • Heroic Essences (received when opening any Gift Box)
    • After the festival has ended, Heroic Essences will be reset
  • <Heroic> Golden Egg (received after collecting a total of 300, 600, 900, 1500, 1800, 2100, 2700, 3000, and 3300 Heroic Essences)
  • <Heroic> Light/Dark Egg (received after collecting a total of 1200, 2400, and 3600 Heroic Essences)
    • During the Super Clan Festival, the player receives two eggs upon reaching 600, 1200, 1800, 2400, 3000, and 3600 total Heroic Essences

Gift Boxes[]

The gift boxes have randomised rewards.

Common Gift Box
Randomised Item Chance Amount
Gold Gold 16.8% 10,000
Gold Gold 8.5% 20,000
Gold Gold 3.2% 50,000
Gold Gold 1.5% 100,000
Energy Energy 14.5% 10
Energy Energy 7% 20
Energy Energy 2.5% 30
Energy Energy 1% 50
4-6Star Gem Chest Gem Chest 25% 1
Fire Superstone SuperStone Fire 2% 1
Water Superstone SuperStone Water 2% 1
Wood Superstone SuperStone Wood 2% 1
Light Superstone SuperStone Light 2% 1
Dark Superstone SuperStone Dark 2% 1
<High> Secret Egg Secret Egg High 3% 1
<High> Fiery Egg Fiery Egg 1.75% 1
<High> Ocean Egg Ocean Egg 1.75% 1
<High> Grassy Egg Grassy Egg 1.75% 1
<High> Light/Dark Egg Light/Dark Egg High 1% 1
<Legendary> Secret Egg Secret Egg Legendary 0.75% 1
Item Chance Amount
Heroic Essence 60% 1
Heroic Essence 30% 2
Heroic Essence 10% 3
Quality Gift Box
Randomised Item Chance Amount
Gold Gold 22.80% 100,000
Gold Gold 9% 200,000
Gold Gold 2.20% 500,000
Gold Gold 1% 1,000,000
Energy Energy 17% 100
Energy Energy 8% 200
6Star Gem Chest Gem Chest 20.00% 1
Fire Superstone SuperStone Fire 2% 2
Water Superstone SuperStone Water 2% 2
Wood Superstone SuperStone Wood 2% 2
Light Superstone SuperStone Light 2% 2
Dark Superstone SuperStone Dark 2% 2
<High> Light/Dark Egg Light/Dark Egg High 7% 1
<Legendary> Secret Egg Secret Egg Legendary 3% 1
Item Chance Amount
Heroic Essence 4% 60
Heroic Essence 6% 59
Heroic Essence 8% 58
Heroic Essence 11% 57
Heroic Essence 14% 56
Heroic Essence 15% 55
Heroic Essence 13% 54
Heroic Essence 11% 53
Heroic Essence 8% 52
Heroic Essence 6% 51
Heroic Essence 4% 50

Shop Clan Festival Packages[]

Clan Fes. Pack
3 Per Event
10+1 summon ticket x2
4-5★ Skill Book
Energy x500

Super Clan Festival Exclusive Ticket Pack[]

Special packs for sale in the two days leading up to a Super Clan Festival, available from the Special Shop page.

NameStep 1 PackStep 2 PackStep 3 Pack
Limit1 Per Event1 Per Event
(Must purchase Step 1 first)
1 per Event
(Must purchase Step 2 first)
ContentsFestival TicketFestival Ticket
Astrogem x100
Festival Ticket
Astrogem x 300

Alternatively, all three packs can be purchased together for $6.99. They cannot be bought as a group if the Step 1 pack has already been purchased.

  • Festival Tickets can be used to perform 10+1 Summons during the Clan Festival. Any unused tickets disappear at the end of the Festival.