Monster Super League Wikia

Experience, also referred as "EXP" is mainly earned by winning battles in Adventure, Dungeons and Tower of Chaos and is required to level up Astromons.

The amount of experience gained by Astromons in battle is determined by several factors, such as the difficulty or stage number of the adventure area or dungeon respectively, as well as the number of Astromons which didn't reach max level in a party, since more Astromons needing experience means experience is more heavily divided. However, max level Astromons don't take any experience away.

As Astromons increase in level, the amount of experience needed to level up also increases. As well, Astromons grade or star rating also determines their rate of leveling, as higher grade Astromons require more experience to level up.

You can also earn Experience using Fruits. Feeding fruits to your Astromons will increase their experience points by a set amount but also costs Gold. Fruits come in three levels: low, mid, and high, with higher-level fruits granting more EXP. Elemental fruits grant bonus EXP when fed to an Astromon of the same element. Low fruit matching the daily element can be fed to Astromons for free, while <Low> Star Fruit can be used for free on the weekends.


Type Low Mid High
Low Fruit Free Day(s)
Star Fruit Star Fruit Low+600 Exp.

300 Gold/Fruit

Star Fruit Mid+15,000 Exp.

3,000 Gold/Fruit

Star Fruit High+80,000 Exp.

10,000 Gold/Fruit

Fire Fruit Fire Fruit Low+600 Exp.

(+200 Bonus Exp. on Fire Astromons)

300 Gold/Fruit

Fire Fruit Mid+15,000 Exp.

(+5,000 Bonus Exp. on Fire Astromons)

3,000 Gold/Fruit

Fire Fruit High+80,000 Exp.

(+20,000 Exp. Bonus on Fire Astromons)

10,000 Gold/Fruit

Water Fruit Water Fruit Low+600 Exp.

(+200 Bonus Exp. on Water Astromons)

300 Gold/Fruit

Water Fruit Mid+15,000 Exp.

(+5,000 Bonus Exp. on Water Astromons)

3,000 Gold/Fruit

Water Fruit High+80,000 Exp.

(+20,000 Bonus Exp. on Water Astromons)

10,000 Gold/Fruit

Wood Fruit Wood Fruit Low+600 Exp.

(+200 Bonus Exp. on Wood Astromons)

300 Gold/Fruit

Wood Fruit Mid+15,000 Exp.

(+5,000 Bonus Exp. on Wood Astromons)

3,000 Gold/Fruit

Wood Fruit High+80,000 Exp.

(+20,000 Bonus Exp. on Wood Astromons)

10,000 Gold/Fruit

Light Fruit Light Fruit Low+600 Exp.

(+200 Bonus Exp. on Light Astromons)

300 Gold/Fruit

Light Fruit Mid+15,000 Exp.

(+5,000 Bonus Exp. on Light Astromons)

3,000 Gold/Fruit

Light Fruit High+80,000 Exp.

(+20,000 Bonus Exp. on Light Astromons)

10,000 Gold/Fruit

Dark Fruit Dark Fruit Low+600 Exp.

(+200 Bonus Exp. on Dark Astromons)

300 Gold/Fruit

Dark Fruit Mid+15,000 Exp.

(+5,000 Bonus Exp. on Dark Astromons)

3,000 Gold/Fruit

Dark Fruit High+80,000 Exp.

(+20,000 Bonus Exp. on Dark Astromons)

10,000 Gold/Fruit


Experience Table[]

This table shows the experience required to level up an Astromon.


1 493 641 789 937 1085 1233
2 552 717 883 1048 1214 1380
3 606 788 970 1152 1334 1516
4 667 867 1068 1268 1468 1668
5 732 952 1172 1391 1611 1831
6 809 1051 1294 1536 1779 2021
7 888 1155 1421 1688 1954 2221
8 984 1279 1574 1869 2164 2459
9 1082 1406 1731 2055 2380 2704
10 Ascension 1546 1903 2260 2617 2974
11 - 1719 2116 2513 2909 3306
12 - 1892 2329 2766 3202 3639
13 - 2083 2564 3044 3525 4006
14 - 2293 2822 3351 3880 4410
15 - 2562 3153 3745 4336 4927
16 - 2823 3475 4126 4778 5429
17 - 3111 3829 4546 5264 5982
18 - 3428 4218 5009 5800 6591
19 - 3777 4648 5520 6391 7263
20 - Ascension 5225 6205 7185 8164
21 - - 5763 6844 7924 9005
22 - - 6356 7548 8740 9932
23 - - 7011 8326 9640 10955
24 - - 7733 9183 10633 12083
25 - - 8745 10385 12024 13664
26 - - 9655 11465 13276 15086
27 - - 10660 12658 14657 16656
28 - - 11769 13976 16182 18389
29 - - 12994 15430 17867 20303
30 - - Ascension 17036 19726 22416
31 - - - 18809 21779 24748
32 - - - 20766 24045 27324
33 - - - 22927 26547 30167
34 - - - 25313 29310 33307
35 - - - 27947 32360 36773
36 - - - 30856 35728 40600
37 - - - 34067 39446 44825
38 - - - 37612 43551 49490
39 - - - 41526 48083 54640
40 - - - Ascension 53087 60326
41 - - - - 58611 66604
42 - - - - 64711 73535
43 - - - - 71445 81188
44 - - - - 78880 89637
45 - - - - 87089 98965
46 - - - - 95152 109263
47 - - - - 106158 120634
48 - - - - 117205 133188
49 - - - - 129403 147048
50 - - - - Ascension 162351
51 - - - - - 179246
52 - - - - - 197900
53 - - - - - 218495
54 - - - - - 241233
55 - - - - - 266337
56 - - - - - 310990
57 - - - - - 343698
58 - - - - - 379846
59 - - - - - 419793
60 - - - - - Level cap
Total level 1 to Ascension 6,813 34,090 127,870 428,703 1,358,585 4,264,364