Monster Super League Wikia

8th Anniversary Event Banner

Event Period[]

  • After August 28 maintenance - September 18, 02:59 2024 (UTC)
    • Pre-event: After August 28 maintenance - August 30 0:300
    • 1st Half: August 30 0:300 - September 6 03:00
    • 2nd Half: September 6 03:00 - September 18, 02:59

How to Play[]

This event features several unique Story and Challenge stages of escalating difficulty. Astrochips and support Astromon cannot be used during event stages. Additionally, regional Gems do not drop from event stage completion.

Players can complete special event missions which award a variety of items, including the event currency Postcard of Memories, which can be used to purchase items from the event shop. In addition to missions, Postcards can also drop from any adventure or event stage completion.

This event runs concurrently with a Mini Benedict Capture Festival.

Event Missions[]

[Daily] Login 1 timePostcard of Memories x10[Daily] Receive Daily Quest Completion RewardsPostcard of Memories x20
[Daily] Use 100 EnergyPostcard of Memories x30[Daily] Claim Golem Dungeon Guaranteed Rewards 1 timePostcard of Memories x40
Clear Event Story <1>Postcard of Memories x100Clear Event Story <2>Postcard of Memories x150
Clear Event Story <3>File:Mini Benedict Water.pngClear Event Story <5>Postcard of Memories x200
Clear Event Story <8>Gleem EggTry to catch an Astromon 20 timesPostcard of Memories x300
Ascend an Astromon to 5‭★ or higherLight Dark Egg HighMake ten +12 gemsLight Dark Egg High
Make six +10 trinketsMini Holy GleemMake six +5 Void CrystalsPostcard of Memories x400
Receive Daily Quest completion Rewards 10 timesPostcard of Memories x750Receive Weekly Quest Completion Rewards 2 timesPostcard of Memories x850
Play the Void Dungeon 20 timesPostcard of Memories x800Clear Event Challenge1,000,000 Gold
Clear Event Challenge <2>Secret Egg LegendaryClear Event Challenge <3>6★ Dragon Gem
Clear Event Challenge <4>Astrogem x600Clear Event Challenge <5>Unique profile border


Postcard of Memories Event Shop[]

ItemPurchase LimitPriceItemPurchase LimitPrice
Energy x1001 Per DayPostcard of Memories x10Special astrochip x51 Per DayPostcard of Memories x10
100,000 Gold1 Per DayPostcard of Memories x10Random Mini Gleem (Fire/Water/Wood)1 Per WeekPostcard of Memories x50
500,000 Gold1 Per WeekPostcard of Memories x50Random Superstone1 Per WeekPostcard of Memories x148
Secret Egg Legendary1 Per WeekPostcard of Memories x148Random Gleem (Fire/Water/Wood)1 Per WeekPostcard of Memories x198
10+1 summon ticket1 Per WeekPostcard of Memories x238Mini Seira Light8 Per EventPostcard of Memories x48
Mini Seira Dark8 Per EventPostcard of Memories x48File:Mini Tina Light.png8 Per EventPostcard of Memories x48
File:Mini Tina Dark.png8 Per EventPostcard of Memories x48File:Mini Camilla Light.png8 Per EventPostcard of Memories x48
File:Mini Camilla Dark.png8 Per EventPostcard of Memories x48File:Mini Zephyros Light.png8 Per EventPostcard of Memories x48
File:Mini Zephyros Dark.png8 Per EventPostcard of Memories x48File:Mini Eve Light.png8 Per EventPostcard of Memories x48
File:Mini Eve Dark.png8 Per EventPostcard of Memories x48Heroic Secret Egg1 Per EventPostcard of Memories x228
Holy Gleem1 Per EventPostcard of Memories x308Exclusive Profile Picture1 Per EventPostcard of Memories x188
10,000 GoldUnlimitedPostcard of Memories x1850,000 GoldUnlimitedPostcard of Memories x88

Shop 8th Anniversary Packages[]

Period: After August 28 maintenance - September 25, 04:59 2024 (UTC)

Name8th Anniv Gift8th Anniversary Discount Pack8th Anniversary Pack Ⅰ8th Anniversary Pack Ⅱ8th Anniversary Gleem Pack8th Anniversary Light Pack8th Anniversary Dark Pack8th Anniversary Special Pack8th Anniversary Mega Pack
Limit1 Per Event1 Per Event7 Per Event3 Per Event3 Per Event2 Per Event2 Per Event2 Per Event2 Per Event
ContentsFile:Mini Benedict Water Variant.png
10+1 summon ticket
Mini Gleem Selection Card (Fire/Water/Wood) x3
800,000 Gold
Energy x888
5★ Astromon Selection Card (Fire/Water/Wood)
800,000 Gold
Energy x180
Gleem Selection Card (Fire/Water/Wood)
Gleem Egg
File:Mystic Essense.png x1,500
1,000,000 Gold
Energy x100
10+1 summon ticket x4
10 Superstones Selection Card x1
File:Mystic Essence x4,500
1,500,000 Gold
Energy x150
File:Holy Gleem Variant.png
Gleem Selection Card (Fire/Water/Wood)
Gleem Selection Card (Light/Dark)
3,000,000 Gold
Astrogem x 750
5★ Random Astromon Summon Card (Light)
Holy Gleem
5★ Skill Book Selection Card x1
4,000,000 Gold
5★ Random Astromon Summon Card (Dark)
Holy Gleem
5★ Skill Book Selection Card x1
4,000,000 Gold
10+1 summon ticket x11
Trinket 10+1 Summon Ticket x5
Heroic Secret Egg x3
File:Mystic Essense.png x15,000
Energy x500
5★ Skill Book Selection Card x6
Heroic Secret Egg
Void Shard x50
Sub Property Randomizer Ticket x6
Gem Upgrade Reset Ticket x6
Price8,888 Gold$2.99$8.99$26.99$44.99$71.99$71.99$89.99$119.99

Other 8th Anniversary Bonuses[]

8th Anniversary Coupon Code[]

Code: MSL8THBD Rewards:

  • Energy x200
  • 800,000 Gold
  • 10+1 summon ticket

The code can be entered in-game from [Support] -> [Enter Code] on AOS or PC Google Play Games, or on the Monster Super League Web Shop at in the "Enter Your Code" field.

8th Anniv. Bingo Rewards[]

Two special Bingo bonus tracks were made available during consecutive time periods throughout the 8th anniversary celebration. After claiming all daily Bingo rewards, players will unlock the next set of rewards on the special reward track.


Period: August 2, 00:00 ~ August 14, 23:59 (Local Time)

1Mini Seira Light + 30,000 Gold
2File:Mini Tina Light.png + 100,000 Gold
3File:Mini Camilla Light.png + 200,000 Gold
4Astrogem x200 + 300,000 Gold
5File:Mini Zephyros Light.png + 400,000 Gold
6File:Mini Eve Light.png + 500,000 Gold
7File:Traveller Nezz Light.png + 800,000 Gold


Period: August 15, 00:00 ~ August 28, 23:59 (Local Time)

1Mini Seira Dark + 30,000 Gold
2File:Mini Tina Dark.png + 100,000 Gold
3File:Mini Camilla Dark.png + 200,000 Gold
4Astrogem x200 + 300,000 Gold
5File:Mini Zephyros Dark.png + 400,000 Gold
6File:Mini Eve Dark.png + 500,000 Gold
7File:Traveller Nezz Dark.png + 800,000 Gold


Period: August 29, 00:00 ~ September 30, 23:59 (Local Time)

1Light Dark Egg High + 30,000 Gold
25-Star Astromon Selection Card (Fire) + 50,000 Gold
3EXP 2x Boost 12h + 70,000 Gold
4Fg + 100,000 Gold
5Appearance Rate 2x Boost 12h + 250,000 Gold
6Secret Egg Legendary + 500,000 Gold
7Heroic Secret Egg + 1,000,000 Gold