Monster Super League Wikia


Skills can be broadly divided into three types, some of which have passive effects.

Skill Description
Normal Skill This is each Astromon's basic attack. Its passive effect has a chance of coming into effect when it is used. However, only Astromons 3Star and higher gain these effects.
Active Skill This is a skill that can be used when an Astromon's skill gauge is full. It is stronger than a Normal Skill, and can either attack one enemy, attack all enemies, or heal allies depending on the Astromon. Its passive effect has a chance of coming into effect when it is used. However, only Astromons 5Star and higher gain these effects.
Leader Skill Only Variant Astromons have a leader skill, which activate when a Variant Astromon is assigned as leader. This skill has no additional passive effect.

All skill effects and which Astromons possess them can be viewed in the in-game Skill Astroguide, either by accessing it directly from the airship screen, or by tapping a skill effect when viewing an Astromon's skills.


Each Astromon's Normal and Active attack has a Passive Skill. Passive skills differ from Astromon to Astromon, so be sure to read their Passive Skill's details. Passive skill types are listed by their in-game designation. Deprecated skills are those which have been replaced or removed from the game entirely.

List of Passives

Icon Passive Skill Type Description
Adrenaline Adrenaline Recovery Restores HP to self/allies which scales on the recipient's/user's max HP when attacking.
Aggression (Defense) Aggression (Defense) Attacker Defense replaces Attack in determining damage dealt.
Aggression (HP) Aggression (HP) Attacker Max HP replaces Attack in determining damage dealt.
Aggression (Recovery) Aggression (Recovery) Deprecated Recovery replaces Attack in determining damage dealt.
Attack Down Attack Down Debuff Decreases the target's damage output by 50%.
Attack Up Attack Up Buff Increases self/allies' damage output by 40/50%.
Azure Spirit's Bounty Azure Spirit's Bounty Deprecated Increases self/allies' SP recovery.
Barbed taunt Barbed Taunt Utility Performs a counterattack proportional to damaged received for X turns, and grants a Y% chance to draw enemies attention for W turns.
Battle Rush Battle Rush Recovery Restores both HP and SP when attacking.
Blind Blind Debuff Decreases the target's critical hit rate and critical hit damage by 50%.
Buff Breaker Buff Breaker Debuff Dispels all positive effects, except Shields.
Courageous Strike Courageous Strike Attacker Greatly increases attack power in proportion to the target's maximum HP.
Crit rate up Crit. Rate Up Buff Increases allies'/self critical hit rate by 30/40% for X turns.
Crystallization Crystallization Status Effect Grants a X% chance to stun the enemy for Y turn(s), and prevents their passive skills from activating.
Curse Curse Attacker Damages the target by X% of the user's attack at the beginning of its turn, ignoring defense.
Curse of Immortality Curse of Immortality Attacker Damages the target by 24% of the user's attack at the beginning of its turn, ignoring defense. Is not removed by Fulminating Curse.
Damage Reduction Damage Reduction Buff Reduces damage done to self/allies for X amount of turns.
Defense Down Defense Down Debuff Decreases the target's defense by 70%. Has no effect on the Aggression (Defense) passive.
Defense Up Defense Up Buff Increases the target's defense by 70%. Has no effect on the Aggression (Defense) passive.
Dominance Dominance Debuff Attacks also decrease the target's SP in proportion to the amount of damage dealt.
Elemental Edge Elemental Edge Attacker Attacks against any enemy are treated as that enemy's elemental weakness. May also increase the damage of the attack.
Expose Weakness Expose Weakness Buff Exposed foes take 100% increased damage from the next attack.
Fatigue Fatigue Debuff Negates the target's SP recovery from Blue Souls.
Fearless Taunt Fearless Taunt Utility Reduce damage received by X% for Y turn(s), and grants a Z% chance to draw target's attention for W turn(s)[1]
Forced Exchanged Forced Exchange Utility X% chance of stealing the 2 most recent enemy buffs and shields, and giving them 2 of your debuffs. Does not activate during boss stages.
Full Buff Breaker Full Buff Breaker Debuff Grants an X% chance to dispel all enemy enhancements including shields and immunity.
Fulminating Curse Fulminating Curse Attacker Deals additional damage based on the number of curses on the opponent and removes those curses.
Guard Guard Utility 70% of damage received by allies is redirected towards the user, and reduced by 60%.
HP Siphon HP Siphon Recovery Restores HP by 30% of damage dealt or, if "greatly" is part of the description, 40% of the damage dealt
Hunter Hunter Attacker Increases critical hit damage.
Immunity Immunity Utility Removes all negative effects from allies for X amount of turns and grants them immunity. While immune, they cannot be affected by any negative effects.
Keen Keen Buff Increases critical hit rate by X% and critical hit damage by Y% for Z turns.
Lethal Strike Lethal Strike Attacker Greatly increases attack power in proportion to the target's total defense.
Merciless Strike Merciless Strike Debuff Increases damage in proportion to the number of negative effects on opponent
Morale Boost Morale Boost Recovery Restores SP for the user/allies when attacking.
Offense and Defense Offense and Defense Buff Increases attack by 30% and defense by 50% for X turns.
Perservere Persevere Attacker Increases for attack each turn that passes. Maximum stacks and increase per turn vary.
Petrification Petrification Status Effect Encases the target in ice or stone, preventing it from doing anything, but increases its defense by 100%.
Predator Predator Attacker Increases damage dealt.
Puncture Puncture Attacker While attacking, the user ignores X% of the target's base defense.
Purification Purification Utility Cleanses all negative effects.
Recovery Down Recovery Down Deprecated Decreases all healing done to the target by 50%. Replaced with Recovery Seal.
Recovery Down Recovery Seal Debuff Prevents the target from recovering HP.
Recovery Up Recovery Up Buff Increases all healing done to the target by 50%. Has no effect on the Recovery stat and the Aggression (Recovery) passive.
Resilience Resilience Recovery Restores target's SP in proportion to the amount of damage taken.
Resistance Down Resist down Debuff Lowers enemy resistance by 70%
Sap Sap Attacker Damages the target by 5% of its max HP at the beginning of its turn, ignoring defense. If it is on a Titan, it will deal 5000 damage.
Seal Seal Debuff Prevents target's passive skills from activating.
Shield Shield Buff Grants a shield to the target. Shields absorb a certain amount of damage (including from Sap/Curse) before breaking. An Astromon protected by a shield will not be inflicted with any additional debuffs or status effects until the shield is broken.
Shield Breaker Shield Breaker Debuff Dispels the target's Shields.
Shock Shock Status Effect Electrifies the target, preventing it from doing anything and decreasing its defense by 50%.
Silence Silence Status Effect Mutes the target, preventing it from using its active skill.
Sleep Sleep Status Effect Makes the target fall asleep, preventing it from doing anything. Any hit against a sleeping target will become a critical hit, and wake the target.
Soul Boon - Blue Soul Boon: Blue Deprecated Grants bonus blue souls when an enemy drops red souls.
Soul Boon - Red Soul Boon: Red Recovery Grants bonus red souls when an enemy drops blue souls.
SP Siphon SP Siphon Debuff Attacks steal the target's SP. The resistance does not effect this skill[2]
Stalker Stalker Attacker Increases critical hit rate.
Stun Stun Status Effect Dazes the target, preventing it from doing anything.
Taunt Taunt Utility Draws the target's attention, preventing it from attacking anyone else or using its active skill.
Thirst Thirst Debuff Decreases the target's SP by a set amount at the beginning of its turn.
Undying Volition Undying Volition Utility Imbues allies' with an Undying buff for X turns, allowing them to survive death once, after which all negative effects will be expelled. This effect can only be gained once per round.
Unflinching Strike Unflinching Strike Attacker Slightly increases attack power in proportion to the target's maximum HP.
Vengeance Vengeance Attacker Increases attack in proportion to the amount of HP lost. Attack is increased by 200% when below 50% HP.
Vigor Vigor Buff Restores a set amount of the target's HP at the beginning of its turn.
Weaken Weaken Debuff Reduces target's attack and defense by 40%.
Zeal Zeal Buff Restores a set amount of the target's SP at the beginning of its turn.

Certain special passives exist which are exclusive to boss enemies:

Boss-Exclusive Passives

Icon Passive Skill Description
Blessing Blessing Increases attack power, defense, and recovery every X turns.
Dimensional Energy Absorption Dimensional Energy Absorption Greatly increases attack power every X turns.
Greater Sap Resistance Greater Sap Resistance Greatly decreases the amount of damage taken from sap.
Invincibility Invincibility Immune to Seal and action-inhibiting effects (sometimes also immune to Sap, Taunt, and/or Thirst)
Perfect Blessing Perfect Blessing Dispels negative effects while increasing attack power and defense every X turns.
Regeneration Regeneration Regains HP every X turns.
Retribution Retribution Deals a set amount of damage to every 5th foe that attacks.
Attack Down Titan's/Apophis's Shackle Elemental damage effectiveness reduces to 50 upon attacking an enemy of a weak element.

Skill Books[]

Some Astromons' Active and Passive skills can be leveled up using Astromon-specific Skill Books. In order for an Astromon to level up its skills it must be at 5Star. Not all Astromon's skills can be upgraded using Skill Books.

1-3Star Skill Books drop randomly from Adventure stages, and 4Star Skill Books can be obtained by defeating Legendary Astromons, and completing the Colossus Dungeon 8 times during a week. 5Star Skill Books are only available from certain shops, Skill Book chests, and special events.

Skill Books and Chests[]

1-Star Skill Book 2-Star Skill Book 3-Star Skill Book 4-Star Skill Book 5-Star Skill Book Skill Book Chest 5-Star Skill Book Chest

When using a Skill Book to level up an Astromon's skills, the player will consume the Skill Book and pay a gold fee. There are five levels of upgrades for each of an Astromon's skills. Every Astromon's skills start at level 1. When a Skill Book is used, one of the skills will be leveled up at random, and is leveled up independently of one another (ie. You could have a level 3 active passive and a level 1 basic passive).

Skill Level Up Costs[]

Rarity Cost
1-2Star 50,000 Gold
3Star 100,000 Gold
4Star 300,000 Gold
5Star 700,000 Gold

Skill Book Fusion[]

Two Skill Books of the same rarity can be fused to create a new skill book of that rarity. The gold cost of the fusion and the specificity of the result differ by rarity. Some rarities allow the result to be chosen directly, whereas others require the player to choose multiple possible book types, of which one will be randomly produced after fusing. The possible result books can be selected in the top-right pane.

Rarity Gold Cost Possible Results
1-Star Skill Book 5,000 Gold 1
2-Star Skill Book 5,000 Gold 1
3-Star Skill Book 10,000 Gold 2
4-Star Skill Book 30,000 Gold 3
5-Star Skill Book 70,000 Gold 4

Leader Skills[]

Variant Astromons have leader skills. You can randomly encounter a Variant version of an Astromon in battle, or when hatching Eggs or summoning. You can transfer a leader skill through Variant Evolution.

Each Variant Astromon has a leader skill level from one to six, which influences the strength of their leader skill within a 6% range, increasing in effectiveness by 1% for each additional level. For example, a Draka with a level one leader skill will increase allied HP by 40%, while a level six skill will increase it by 45%. Different rarities of Astromon also have different strengths of leader skill. A 5Star Astromon like Draka has 40-45% effectiveness of Grace of Life, but a 1Star Slime has only 20-25%. Different element Astromons of the same species all have the same strength of leader skill, even if they are not all the same rarity. This can sometimes result in cases where a 2Star Astromon with higher rarity relatives or a 3Star Astromon with lower-rarity relatives will have a leader skill stronger or weaker than expected.

Leader Skill Description 1-2Star 3-4Star 5Star
Azure Spirit's Blessing Azure Spirit's Blessing Increases allies' SP recovery by X%. N/A 20-25% N/A
Crimson Spirit's Blessing Crimson Spirit's Blessing Increases allies' HP recovery by X%. 10-15% 20-25% N/A
Critical Boost Critical Boost Increases allies' critical hit rate by X%. 10-15% 15-20% 20-25%
Deathblow Deathblow Increases allies' critical hit damage by X%. 30-35% 40-45% 50-55%
Fighting Spirit Fighting Spirit Increases allies' attack by X%. 20-25% 30-35% 40-45%
Firm Resolve Firm Resolve Increases allies' resistance by X%. 10-15% 15-20% 20-25%
Grace of Life Grace of Life Increases allies' HP by X%. 20-25% 30-35% 40-45%
Protector's Shield Protector's Shield Increases allies' defense by X%. 20-25% 30-35% 40-45%
Surging Vitality Surging Vitality Increases allies' recovery by X%. 20-25% 30-35% N/A
Defensive Stance Defensive Stance Decreases enemies' attack power by X%. 20-25% 30-35% 35-40%
Charging Stance Charging Stance Decreases enemies' defense by X%. 20-25% 30-35% 35-40%
Discernment Discernment Decreases enemies' resistance by X%. 10-15% 15-20% 20-25%
Crisis Aversion Crisis Aversion Decreases enemies' critical hit rate by X%. 10-15% 15-20% N/A


When certain sets of Astromon are used within the same team, a Synergy bonus will be applied to the entire team. You cannot use duplicates of the same Astromon to complete a bonus.

*Evo Power Lv. 1 and Lv. 2 do not stack; only the stronger eligible effect will activate.

  • Note: These Synergy bonuses can stack with others.
Icon Synergy Name Stat Bonus Bonus Location Targets Affected Activation Count Synergy Astromon
Light Synergy Light Power HP +5% All Battles All Allies 3 All Light Astromon
Dark Synergy Dark Power HP +5% All Battles All Allies 3 All Dark Astromon
Fire Synergy Fire Power HP +5% All Battles All Allies 3 All Fire Astromon
Water Synergy Water Power HP +5% All Battles All Allies 3 All Water Astromon
Wood Synergy Wood Power HP +5% All Battles All Allies 3 All Wood Astromon

  • Note: These Synergy bonuses can stack with others.
Icon Synergy Name Stat Bonus Bonus Location Targets Affected Activation Count Synergy Astromon
Sisterhood Sisterhood Def +6% All Battles All Allies 3 All Female Astromon
Brotherhood Brotherhood Def +6% All Battles All Allies 3 All Male Astromon

  • Note: These Synergy bonuses can stack with others.
Icon Synergy Name Stat Bonus Bonus Location Targets Affected Activation Count Synergy Astromon
Healthy Tanks Healthy Tanks HP +7% All Battles Synergy Astromon 3 All Tank Astromon
Concentrated Attack Concentrated Attack Atk +5% All Battles Synergy Astromon 3 All Attacker Astromon
Ironclad Defense Ironclad Defense Def +7% All Battles Synergy Astromon 3 All Defender Astromon
Healing Touch Healing Touch HP +5% All Battles All Allies 2 All Recovery Astromon
Balancing Act Balancing Act Resist +6% All Battles Synergy Astromon 3 All Balanced Astromon

  • Note: These Synergy bonuses can stack with others.
Icon Synergy Name Stat Bonus Bonus Location Targets Affected Activation Count Synergy Astromon
Evo 2 Evo Power Lv. 1 Def +5% All Battles All Allies 3 All Evolution 2 or 3 Astromon
Evo 3 Evo Power Lv. 2 Def +8% All Battles All Alies 3 All Evolution 3 Astromon

  • Note: Element does not matter for these bonuses.
    • Example: You can use a Light Mona to obtain the "High Tide" bonus.
  • Newer synergies have untested astromons
Synergy Name Hidden Stat Bonus Bonus Location Targets Affected Activation Count Synergy Astromon
Spring Chickens HP +5% All Battles All Allies 2 Bird Astromon

Boltwing FireGaruda Light
Boltwing, Garuda

Dragonblood Resist +6% All Battles Synergy Astromon 2 Dragonic Astromon

Balrona FireDraka FireSparkitt Fire
Balrona, Draka, Sparkitt

Spearmasters Def +6% All Battles Synergy Astromon 3 Spear-wielder Astromon

Odin DarkVictoria Light Siegfried Fire
Odin, Victoria, Siegfried

Swordmasters Crit. Dmg +10% Astromon League Synergy Astromon 3 Sword-wielder Astromon

Jeanne LightArthur Fire Mona Water Succubus WoodIndra Water Gatito LightValkyrie Dark
Jeanne, Arthur, Mona, Succubus, Indra, Gatito, Valkyrie

Trained Ninjas Crit Dmg +8% All Battles Synergy Astromon 2 Ninja Astromon

Shinobi DarkPhibian Water
Shinobi, Phibian

Deceivers Crit Rate +5% All Battles Synergy Astromon 2 Deceiver Astromon

Pinolo WoodLoki Water
Pinolo, Loki

Young Sorceresses Crit Rate +5% All Battles All Allies 2 Young Soceress Astromon

Canna LightJellion DarkFile:Aris Water
Canna, Jellion, Aris

Noble Knights Crit Rate +7% Astromon League Synergy Astromon 3 Knight Astromon

Arthur FireJeanne Light Siegfried DarkD'Artagnan Fire
Arthur, Jeanne, Siegfried, D'Artagnan

Love is in the Air Crit Dmg +10% Astromon League Synergy Astromon 2 Lover Astromon

Sanzang WaterSun Wukong FireArthur FireMerlin Wood
Sanzang and Sun Wukong, Merlin and Arthur

Frienemies Atk +6% All Battles Synergy Astromon 2 Frienemy Astromon

Crowhook WoodD'Artagnan LightGatito DarkHunter DarkLatt WaterSeastar DarkTigar FireVampire FireWoolf DarkYaksha Water
Crowhook, D'Artagnan, Gatito, Hunter, Latt, Seastar, Tigar, Vampire, Woolf, Yaksha

Warrior's Strength Atk +5% All Battles Synergy Astromon 3 Warrior Astromon

Shiva WaterSiegfried FireIndra WoodSun Wukong FirePoseidon Water Tigar FireLeo WoodThor Fire Mino Fire
Shiva, Siegfried, Indra, Sun Wukong, Poseidon, Tigar, Leo, Thor, Mino

Feral Howl Crit Dmg +9% Astromon League Synergy Astromon 2 Beast Astromon

Sparkitt FireMammont FireMera FireWoolf Light,Wendigo FirePenpen WaterTai Light
Sparkitt, Mammont, Mera, Woolf, Wendigo, Penpen, Tai

High Tide Atk +5% All Battles Synergy Astromon 3 Aquatic/Coastal Astromon

Poseidon WaterMari WaterHermite Water Shellie WaterSeiren WaterMona WaterSeastar WaterJellai WaterBeth Water Crowhook Water Wumoo WaterLumo WaterPinchee WaterArc WaterStarrov Water
Poseidon, Mari, Hermite, Shellie, Seiren, Mona, Seastar, Jellai, Beth, Crowhook, Wumoo, Lumo, Pinchee, Arc, Starrov

Animal Protection Def +8% All Battles Synergy Astromon 3 Animal Astromon

Latt FireMonkiki FireBirdie WaterRabbitle WoodRudolph WoodColte Light Bellpup FireMoler FireBron FireSquirrus FireOtari Dark
Latt, Monkiki, Birdie, Rabbitle, Rudolph, Colte, Bellpup, Moler, Bron, Squirrus, Otari

Nightcrawlers Crit Dmg +8% All Battles Synergy Astromon 3 Nocturnal Astromon

Link=NightmareIncubus Fire Succubus FireVampire WaterBanshee FireJack-O-Little LightLink=Nifa Cosmo Light Kilobat DarkGhos Light
Nightmare, Incubus, Succubus, Vampire, Banshee, Jack-O-Little, Nifa, Cosmo, Kilobat, Ghos

Mages' Guild Atk +5% All Battles Synergy Astromon 3 Magic Astromon

Persephone FireNightmare WoodSanzang WaterOnmyoji Dark Cura Fire,Banshee WoodVerde LightLoki WaterIncubus FireChloe Fire Medusa Light
Persephone, Nightmare, Sanzang, Onmyoji, Cura, Banshee, Verde, Loki, Incubus, Chloe, Medusa

Snowy Village Crit Rate +5% All Battles Synergy Astromon 3 Glacial Astromon

Mammont WaterSnowee WaterYuki Water Wendigo WaterYeti WaterRudolph Wood Penpen WaterOtari Water
Mammont, Snowee, Yuki, Wendigo, Rudolph, Penpen, Otari

Furry Friends Atk +5% All Battles Synergy Astromon 3 Furry Astromon

Tigar FireMino FireYeti Fire,D'Artagnan FireSun Wukong Fire Miho FireWildfang FireGatito FireAnu FireWendigo Water
Tigar, Mino, Yeti, D'Artagnan, Sun Wukong, Miho, Wildfang, Gatito, Anu, Wendigo

Spectral Force Atk +5% All Battles Synergy Astromon 3 Spectral Astromon

Cotteen FireJack-O-Lantie Dark Pixie LightGemini Dark Jinn WaterTruffel Fire Bon WaterBellpup Wood Minicat WoodNifa Light Sparkler Dark
Cotteen, Jack-O-Little, Pixie, Gemini, Jinn, Truffel, Bon, Bellpup, Minicat, Nifa, Sparkler

Overgrown Bushes Atk +6% All Battles Synergy Astromon 3 Plant-like Astromon

Hana WoodJack-O-Little Light Seedler WoodCocomaru WoodMandragora Wood Manelant WoodMushi WoodRowan Wood
Hana, Jack-O-Little, Seedler, Cocomaru, Mandragora, Manelant, Mushi, Rowan

Childhood Friends HP +8% All Battles Synergy Astromon 3 Starter Astromon

Miho Firefile=LattCocomaru FireBirdie Fire
Miho, Latt, Cocomaru, Birdie

Iron Fists Atk +8% Dungeons Synergy Astromon 2 Fist Fighting Astromon

Leo WaterMushi FireMonkiki WoodSura Water Yaksha FireGaruda WoodAnu Water
Leo, Mushi, Monkiki, Sura, Yaksha, Garuda, Anu

Goddesses of War Atk +5% All Battle Synergy Astromon 3 Female War Deity Astromon

Mona FireJeanne FireOdin FireVictoria FireValkyrie WoodWildfang FireYaksha Fire
Mona, Jeanne, Odin, Victoria, Valkyrie, Wildfang, Yaksha

Cold-Blooded Atk +8% Dungeons Synergy Astromon 2 Cold-Blooded Astromon

Medusa FireToadora LightCrowhook Fire, Wormtail FirePhibian Water
Medusa, Toadora, Crowhook, Wormtail, Phibian

Mentor & Disciple Crit Rate +7% Astromon League Synergy Astromon 2 Mentor/Disciple Astromon

Indra WaterShiva FireFile:Merlin FireFile:Aris Water
Indra, Shiva, Merilin, Aris

Celebrities Crit Dmg +10% Astromon League Synergy Astromon 2 Celebrity Astromon

Valkyrie FireCanna Fire
Valkyrie, Canna

From the East Atk +8% Astromon League Synergy Astromon 2 Eastern Astromon

Sun Wukong FireSanzang FireOnmyoji Fire, Shinobi Fire
Sun Wukong, Sanzang, Onmyoji, Shinobi

Oz-some Party HP +5% All Battles Synergy Astromon 3 Wizard of Oz Astromon

Cura FireLeo WoodPersephone WaterRadis Fire40px|link=Aris
Cura, Leo, Persephone, Radis, Aris

Ragnarok Atk +5% All Battles Synergy Astromon 2 Nordic Astromon

Loki WaterOdin WaterValkyrie WaterThor Light
Loki, Odin, Valkyrie, Thor

Team Players Def +10% All Battles Synergy Astromon 2 Team Astromon

Canna WaterGemini Fire
Canna, Gemini

Sharpshooters Crit Rate +7% Astromon League Synergy Astromon 2 Archer Astromon

Cupid FireHunter Water
Cupid, Hunter

Money Pouches Atk +8% Dungeons Synergy Astromon 2 Money/Rogue Astromon

Mimic DarkFennec FireGrabag LightCrowhook WaterSeastar WoodSquirrus FireGatito Dark
Mimic, Fennec, Grabag, Crowhook, Seastar, Squirrus, Gatito

We're the Boss! HP +5% All Battles Synergy Astromon 3 Story Boss Astromon

Cocomaru WoodCandling FireHermite WaterToadora Dark Mona FireJellai WaterBoltwing FireRocky Light Tigar FireMera FireWendigo WaterRadis Dark
Cocomaru, Candling, Hermite, Toadora, Mona, Jellai, Boltwing, Rocky, Tigar, Mera, Wendigo, Radis

Living Legends Atk +8% Dungeons Synergy Astromon 2 Legendary Astromon

Boltwing WoodAnu FireMera LightMammont Water
Boltwing, Anu, Mera, Mammont


  1. https:/