Monster Super League Wikia

Story events are special events featuring unique story stages. They are similar to Seasonal Events in many ways, and may or may not run concurrently with a Capture Festival. Each story event features a special Astromon, who can generally be obtained as an event mission reward.

How to Play[]

Story Events feature several unique Story and Challenge stages of escalating difficulty. Astrochips and support Astromon cannot be used during event stages. Additionally, regional Gems do not drop from event stage completion, but Super Evolution materials do. Story stages are available from the start, while challenge stages are unlocked at a specified date after the event starts. Both story and challenge stages have associated event missions with rewards for first-time completions.

During Story Events, Adventure stages, including most Dungeons have a chance to drop event currency upon completion. Event currency can be exchanged in the event shop for various items. Story Events are sometimes accompanied by a Capture Festival featuring a seasonal exotic Astromon. Defeating an event Astromon from the Capture Festival will award event currency for the Story Event.

Event Missions[]

While the exact event missions may differ between events, they tend to follow a similar structure. The most common event missions are listed below. Certain missions tend to appear as a group, while others appear independently. Numbers in the reward columns indicate quantity of event currency earned. The type of event currency differs between events, and is not retained after the event ends.

Repeatable set[]

Mission Reward Mission Reward
[Daily] Daily login 1 time 10 [Daily] Play the Gold Dungeon 1 times 10
[Daily] Receive Daily Quest Completion rewards 1 times 20 [Daily] Play 50 battles 40
[Daily] Use 100 Energy 30 Clear Event Story <1> 70
Clear Event Story <2> 120 Clear Event Story <3> Event Astromon
Clear Event Story <5> 170 Clear Event Story <8> Gleem Egg
Ascend an Astromon to 5★ or higher Light Dark Egg High
Make six +10 trinkets Mini Holy Gleem Make six +5 Void Crystals 350
Receive Daily Quest Completion Rewards 10 times 700 Receive Weekly Quest Completion Rewards 1 times 400
Receive Weekly Quest Completion Rewards 2 times 800 Clear Event Challenge <5> Unique Profile Border

Non-repeatable set[]

Mission Reward Mission Reward
Clear Event Story <1> 100 Clear Event Story <2> 200
Clear Event Story <5> 250 Win 500 battles 600
Evolve 3 Astromons Light Dark Egg High Make ten +12 gems Light Dark Egg High
Make six +10 trinkets Light Dark Egg High Try to upgrade gems 100 times 550
Try to upgrade trinkets 100 times 550 Receive Daily Quest Completion Rewards 12 times 1200
Clear Event Challenge <5> Mini Holy Gleem


Mission Reward Mission Reward
Clear Event Story <3> Event Astromon Clear Event Story <8> Gleem Egg
Make ten +12 gems Light Dark Egg High
Clear Event Challenge <1> Gold Pile
Clear Event Challenge <2> Secret Egg Legendary
Clear Event Challenge <3> Dragon Gem Chest Clear Event Challenge <4> Astrogem Pile

Event Shop[]

While the exact contents of the event shop differ slightly between events, they tend to follow a similar structure. The most common event shop items are listed below. Numbers in the price columns indicate quantity of event currency needed. The type of event currency differs between events, and is not retained after the event ends.

Item Purchase Limit Price Item Purchase Limit Price
Energy Package
Energy x100
1 Per Day 10 Special Astrochip
Special Astrochip x5
1 Per Day 10
Gem Chest
6★ normal gem
1 Per Day 40 Appearance Rate 2x Boost 1h 1 Per Week 30
Gold Sack
100,000 Gold
1 Per Day 10 Gold Coffer
500,000 Gold
1 Per Week 100
Secret Egg Legendary 1 Per Week 190 Random Mini Gleem 1 Per Week 50
Random Gleem 1 Per Week 270-290 Heroic Secret Egg 1 Per Event 390
Random Superstone 5 Per Event 250-290 Holy Gleem 1 Per Event 490
Starstone High x50 1 Per Week 100 Event Exclusive Profile Once Per Profile Picture 350-360
Astromon (10+1) Summon Ticket Varies 250 Event Currency x25 20 Per Event Astrogem x75
Event Currency x50 10 Per Event Astrogem x150 Event Currency x100 5 Per Event Astrogem x300
Gold Pile (flat)
Unlimited 20 Gold Bag
Unlimited 100