Maintenance Countdown |
Maintenance Schedule
- March 29th, 07:10 ~ 09:20 (UTC+0)
Maintenance Details
▸ New Astromon Added
- Merlin(5★ Fire,Water,Wood,Light,Dark)
- Fire/Water/Wood from Hero Fest, Dark from Fusion
- Beatel(4★ Wood)
- Guardian Dungeon
Leader Skill: | Firm Resolve | 20~25% Resist Reduction in Astromon League | |
Fire | Attacker | 50% SP Regen | 50% Hunter |
Water | Attacker | Morale Boost: 100% chance to return 15% SP to allies | Elemental Advantage |
Wood | Balanced | Courageous Strike | Courageous Strike |
Light | Tank | Shock: 70%, 2 Turns | Merciless Strike |
Dark | Tank | SP Siphon: 30% SP | Stun: 80%, 1 turn |
Leader Skill: | Firm Resolve | Ally Resistance (same element) up by 15~20% | |
Wood | Balanced | Atk Down: 60%, 2 turns | Stun: 70%, 1 turn |
▸ Heroe's Fest and Fusion Astromon Added
- Merlin (Fire, Water, Wood) added to Heroes'Fest exclusives
- Merlin (Dark) added to Fusion Chart
- Shiva remains unchanged.
▸ Pinolo Returns
- Pinolo (3★Wood) returns to Latecia. Details unknown.
- Pinolo (Wood) soulstones will randomly appear in Shady Shop as well
▸ Change to New Player Special Login Rewards
Before | After |
▸ Limited Variant Holy Gleem Package
- April 17th 14:59 (UTC+0)
- 1 Variant Holy Gleem
- 1 [Legendary] Secret Egg
- 1 [High] Light/Dark Egg
- 200,000 Gold
- 100 Energy
- Can only be purchased once during sale period.
▸ Ending Events
- Ends on Mar 29th 02:59(UTC+0)
- Flora Capture Festival
- [Season Limited] (3★)Flora(Wood)'s Soulstones Available at Shady Shop
- [Season Limited] (3★)Variant Flora(Wood) Available at Crystal Shop
- [Season Limited] Flora's Package
- [Capture Festival Limited] Benedict's Support (1+1)
- [Capture Festival Limited] Seira's Support (1+1)
- Ends on Mar 29th 09:00(UTC+0)
- Costumes on Sale!
- Ends on Mar 29th 14:59(UTC+0)
- [Season Limited] (3★)Flora(Wood) Guardian Dungeon
- Ends on Mar 29th 23:59(Local Time)
- [Season Limited] Fusion Event
- Ends on Mar 31st 14:59(UTC+0)
- [Season Limited] Skill Books of the Month
Balances & Bug Fixes
▸ Balances
- Both Variant Holy Gleem and Variant Gleems can now be used on Evo.3 Astromons
- Gleem Egg added in [Incubators]
- In a small chance, Variant Gleem will be summoned from summoning/opening Gleem Eggs
- Change in number of Fire/Water/Wood Leveling Packs available per month
- Before: 1 Purchase per Month(0/1)
- After: 3 Purchase per Month(0/3)
- Change in number of Astrogem Sack/Coffer/Chest/Strongbox package available per month
- Before: 20 Purchase per Month(0/20)
- After: 30 Purchase per Month(0/30)
- Festival Gold Package is now also available during Clan Festival
▸ Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug that [Empyrean] Victoria & Nike(Water)'s active skill damage was set lower than Victoria(Water)'s damage
- Fixed a bug that sometimes Astromons attacked twice on your first turn after pressing AUTO in the beginning of the battle
- Fixed a bug that displayed wrong text for [Crisis Aversion] in Clan Region Defense
- Crisis Aversion: Decreases enemies' critical hit rate by 15% in the Astromon League
User Interface Updates
- [Accept All] function added in Inbox
- [Temporary Storage] added in Inbox
- Astromons sent to Inbox will be kept in [Temporary Storage]
- Astromon summons from Special Shop/Festival Ticket will be forwarded to Temporary Storage if your storage is full
- Free summons from Special Shop however, will not get this benefit
- Can adjust the list by 'Time Left' or 'Grade'
- Change in pop**ups
- You can now skip 'Astromon of the Month' pop-up
- Masters above level 30 will no longer have an Inbox pop-up upon login
- Bingo pop-up will only come out on your first login of the day and when the timer no longer counts
- Clan Conflict pop-up will no longer come out in the lobby but when entering adventure
- [Tap▶▶] button delay after battle significantly shortened
- [Hatch 10x] function added to [High] Eggs
- [High] Secret Egg
- [High] Fire Egg
- [High] Water Egg
- [High] Wood Egg
- [High] Light/Dark Egg
- [Feed 10] function added to [Medium]&[High] Fruits
- [Detail] function added in Astroguide that allows camera zoom-in
- You can now [Auto Select] members in Clan Conflict based on the best scores achieved from last fight
- [Summon]->[Fusion] UI changed
- [Boutique] UI changed
- Artorius's stance in Class President Collection changed
- Arthur's costume name changed
- Back to School Collection -> Class President Collection
- Improved skill effects of [Empyrean] Victoria & Nike