Monster Super League Wikia

06/29/22 Maintenance Notes[]

Maintenance Countdown

This update has been applied!

Maintenance – June 29, 2022[]

Dear Masters,

The monthly routine maintenance is scheduled to take place from 07:00 ~ until 10:00, June 29 (UTC+0). During this time the game will be unavailable for play. Depending on the circumstances, the affected period may start earlier or end later than the announced time. Any changes will be announced via Facebook notices. The update will become available through the App Store and Play Store as soon as it has passed both Apple and Android's review.

[Updated] Returning Master Support System[]

Returning Master Support system has been reorganized!

  • Period becoming a return player revised from 45 days to 28 days.
  • Masters who become a return player receives a returning benefit for 21 days.
  • Renewed returning player exclusive 7-day Login Event.

New log in event

  • Added returning player exclusive Shop.

Returning shop

  • Added returning player exclusive Quests.

Exclusive quests

  • Added returning player exclusive Packages.

Returning packages

[Added] New 1 ~ 3Star[]

Skill Book[]

Astromons have been added to increase its skill level by using skill book.

1 star skill book

Total 14 Astromons: Peyote, Wumoo, Roca, Ammonore, Truffel, Bon, Gupp, Moler, Robobot, Manelant, Zarid, Chiroptie, Sparkler, Mimic (1~3Star)

  • These skill books can be obtained through skill book fusion and adventure areas.
  • Skill books for 1Star Astromons including Slime(1Star) have been changed to be obtained in the adventure area.

※ Skill book fusion for 1Star will be added in the future.

[Adjusted] Fire Zhu Bajie’s Attack Coefficient[]

Tower of Fire

Boss Fire Zhu Bajie’s attack coefficient has been adjusted downward since the difficulty of Fire elemental Tower of Chaos had been indirectly increased due to increased Predator from 40% to 50% through previous update.

[Updated] Shady Shop Reorganization Shady Shop[]

Shady shop has reorganized with a bunch of wonderful items!

🎁 New Items Added

On the 2nd slot of Shady Shop:

  • Astrogem Astrogem x50 appears with a very low probability (100 Gold)
  • Energy Energy x50 appears with a low probability (100 Gold)

On the 3rd slot of Shady Shop:

  • Special astrochip Special Astrochip x2 appears with a low probability (100 Gold)

On the 4th slot of Shady Shop:

  • 5~6Star Random Trinket Chest x1 appears with a low probability (10,000 Gold, Normal~Rare grade)

On the 10th slot of Shady Shop:

  • Dimensional Starstone x1 appears with a low probability (30 Astrogem)

💎 Gem Appearance Chance and Price Changes:

  • Probability of 6★ Gem appearance is doubled compared to before.
  • Price of 2~5★ Gem is drastically discounted.

💰 Price Changes of Existing Items:

  • Individual price of stones is discounted 50% compared to before.
  • Basic sale quantity of stone is changed; 6/8/11 → 1/3/5
  • Price per a Starstone;
  1. <Low> Fire/Water/Wood/Light/Darkstone : 2,200 Gold → 1,100 Gold
  2. <Mid> Starstone : 20,000 Gold → 10,000 Gold
  3. <Mid> Fire/Water/Wood/Light/Darkstone : 22,000 Gold → 11,000 Gold
  4. <High> Starstone : 50,000 Gold → 25,000 Gold
  5. <High> Fire/Water/Wood/Light/Darkstone : 55,000 Gold → 27,500 Gold (Individual price of mid fruit is discounted)
  6. <Mid> Star Fruit : 25,000 Gold → 15,000 Gold
  7. <Mid> Fire/Water/Wood Fruit : 30,000 Gold → 18,000 Gold

[Updated] Baby Shark Title Illustration[]

Title illustration has been changed to Baby Shark!

Baby shark screen

[Seasonal Event] Persephone Primo Festival[]

Persephone Primo Festival Banner

This time, Persephone comes for the Primo Festival.

Period: July 20, 12:00 ~ July 25, 23:59 (Local Time)

  • Special limited primo event for Persephone will be held soon.
  • As the achievement reward of accumulated summon count, the selection card of primo Astromon (Fire/Water/Wood/Light/Dark) will be rewarded.

※ The detailed information of the event will be announced by separate notice.

[Seasonal Event] Exclusive Trinkets Summon Rate Up Event![]

▶ Odin’s Exclusive Trinkets Summon Rate Up

July 6, 00:00 ~ until July 19, 23:59 (Local Time)

▶ Persephone’s Exclusive Trinkets Summon Rate Up

July 20, 00:00 ~ until August 2, 23:59 (Local Time)

Contents: When summoning trinkets in Special shop, exclusive trinkets can be obtained with a double chance.

[Added] Hero Dungeon Reset Ticket[]

Hero dungeon reset

  • Available to use at the hero dungeon where all 100 soulstones obtained.
  • Available to reset the amount of soulstones which can be obtained from the dungeon where all 100 soulstones acquired.
  • Can be found at [Shop > Limited]

[New Package] Hero Dungeon Reset Ticket Package[]

Hero dungeon package

Hero dungeon reset ticket is now on sale at the shop all the time!

When resetting the hero dungeon with the ticket, another max 100 soulstones can be obtained as the clear reward from the dungeon.

⏰ Period: after the June 29th maintenance ~ (UTC+0)

[New Package] Returning Master Exclusive Package[]

Exclusive packages for returning players are now available!

Returning excluxive packages

Each package can be purchased during the limited time at the shop only when receiving return benefits.

Period: after the June 29th maintenance ~ (UTC+0)

Can be purchased only ONCE per package.

[Seasonal Limited] Vacation Packages![]

Special packages in celebrating upcoming Summer vacation are available for a limited time only!

Seasonal packages 1

⏰ Period: after the June 29th maintenance ~ July 27, 06:59 (UTC+0)

[Package] 5Star Skill Book Selection Card I / II on Sales[]

⏰ Period: July 1, 03:00 ~ July 9, 14:59 (UTC+0)

Seasonal special skill book packages

Can be purchased 3 times each during the period.

[Package] Shop 4Star Light/Dark Mari Packs![]

Don't miss the chance to get Light and Dark Mari through limited packages!

⏰ Period: June 30, 15:00 ~ July 14, 14:59 (UTC+0)

Seasonal mari LD packages

Each can be purchased only ONCE during the period.

[Package] Shop 4Star Light/Dark Banshee Pack![]

Light and Dark Banshee packages are out now! Don’t miss your chance!

⏰ Period: July 14, 15:00 ~ July 28, 14:59 (UTC+0)

Seasonal banshee LD packages

Each can be purchased only ONCE during the period.

[Package] Exclusive Packs for Festival![]

▶ Heroes’ Festival Pack

⏰ Period: July 14, 06:00 ~ July 18, 19:59 (UTC+0)

Heros festival pack

▶Clan Festival Pack

⏰ Period: July 28, 06:00 ~ August 10, 19:59 (UTC+0)

Clan festival pack

[Limited Package] Primo Exclusive Package![]

Special package for Primo Festival is here now!

⏰ Period: July 19, 06:00 ~ July 25, 19:59 (UTC+0)

Primo festival pack

Can be purchased only ONCE during the period.

[Limited Package] 5Star Astromon Selection Card I & II Packs![]

⏰ Period: July 22, 03:00 ~ July 31, 14:59 (UTC+0)

Nat 5 selection card pack

[Package] Variant Holy Gleem Package on Sale![]

⏰ Period: July 24, 03:00 ~ August 18, 14:59 (UTC+0)

Variant holy gleem pack

Can be purchased only once during the period.

🚨 Variant Holy Gleem can be used in awakening Evo. 3 Astromon to Variant, and awakening Evo. 2 Astromon to Variant Evo. 3

[Seasonal Event] Suspect Spotted![]

Mommy,daddy shark

It’s Mommy Shark & Daddy Shark time!

Period: July 1, 12:00 ~ July 7, 23:59 (Local Time)

  • In all reward grades, 1Star Fire Mommy Shark and 1Star Water Daddy Shark can be obtained.
  • 1Star Fire Mommy Shark and 1Star Water Daddy Shark has the same ability with Gleem which can be used to evolve/awaken Evo.1 Astromon.
  • Clues used for entering can be obtained up to 15 everyday by clearing scenario stage with the same probability in all adventure areas and difficulties.

[Seasonal Event] 3★ Light Baby Shark Capture Festival![]

Baby shark banner

▶ Pre-event period: July 4, 03:00 ~ July 8, 03:00 (UTC+0)

→ Period during which wishes are written and shared regarding Capture Festival.

▶ Festival Event Period: July 8, 03:00 ~ July 22, 03:00 (UTC+0)

→ Period during which the Capture Festival Astromons appear in the adventure areas.

▶ Finale Event Period: July 22, 03:00 ~ July 24, 03:00 (UTC+0)

→ Period during which prizes are drawn with lucky tickets obtained during the pre-event and the festival period.

Contents of Event:

  • 3Star Light Baby Shark appears randomly as an event Astromon in all adventure areas, and can be obtained by catching it during the Festival event.
  • 3Star Light Baby Shark appears in all adventure areas at a higher rate than S.Rare Astromon, but at a lower rate than Rare Astromon.
  • Clamshells for event festival can be obtained when defeating Baby Shark.

[Appearance area]

Normal: 3Star Light Baby Shark Evo.1

Hard: 3Star Light Cute Baby Shark Evo.2

Extreme: 3Star Light Adorable Baby Shark Evo.3

When captured, it is obtained in its Evo.1 form.

[Seasonal Event] 3Star Light Baby Shark’s Soulstones in Shady Shop[]

Period: July 8, 03:00 ~ July 24, 02:59 (UTC+0)

There is a certain probability of 3Star Light Baby Shark’s Soulstones being sold at the first slot in Shady Shop.

[Super Festival] <Dreadfay> Banshee / Morrighan[]

Dreadfay banner

Check out [Monthly Event: Super Festival GUIDE]

▶Pre-event period: July 18, 03:00 ~ July 20, 03:00 (UTC+0)

→ Period during which votes and wishes are made.

▶Festival Event Period: July 20, 03:00 ~ July 28, 14:59 (UTC+0)

→ Period during which Astrogems can be received as a reward after completing Super Evolution.

Next Up: <Kingsblade> Leon / Leonor


  • Added Midsummer Miho in Hidden Synergy
  • Midsummer Miho has been added to Furry Friends of hidden synergy.
  • Reward of Clan Conflict has been changed.
  • Change of 5★ Poseidon soulstone’s element: Water → Fire
  • Added a string to inform how to download when Google Play update is not available in Android update guide
  • Improved to move to the party assigning UI when retrying after losing from Apex Battle.


  • [Colossus Dungeon] Fixed an issue that the skill, Perfect Blessing, was triggered not under the condition turn in Water Colossus Dungeon on Wednesday.
  • [Dimension Defense] Fixed an issue where the Astromon which wasn't selected through auto-select was assigned to the battle.
  • [Inbox] Fixed an issue that Claim All showed inactivated and not working.
  • Fixed an issue where the event schedule didn’t show properly.

Source: Scheduled Maintenance